I am a girl who loves a good lazy day. Growing up, with so many siblings and so many different events to attend, I didn't often have time for a lazy day. Now, being an adult, I try to enjoy them as much as I can when they come along.
I was in the city for a bachelorette party yesterday, and between the walking and hitting up clubs, I was exhausted today and so I had a bit of a lazy day and relaxed. It had me thinking about the importance of having lazy days, or pamper days as some people like to call them.
I see nothing wrong with having these pamper days at least once a week. Even if it's something as simple as taking a bath, try to treat yourself with something.
I feel like so often we feel guilty for not working, or not writing, or not exercising, or not seeing friends or family, or whatever obligations you may have, that we forget that it's actually okay to take a time out for yourself and just relax.
I've seen a lot of bloggers recommend different techniques for a pamper day, and I know some people even try to make every Sunday into a sort of pamper day. I think this is great because Sunday can sometimes be a bit of a bummer of a day. You've got the work week to look forward to and the magic of the weekend is starting to wear off. It's nice to extend it by treating yourself to a little something on Sunday, or Sunday evening if you don't have the time.
I was in the city for a bachelorette party yesterday, and between the walking and hitting up clubs, I was exhausted today and so I had a bit of a lazy day and relaxed. It had me thinking about the importance of having lazy days, or pamper days as some people like to call them.
I see nothing wrong with having these pamper days at least once a week. Even if it's something as simple as taking a bath, try to treat yourself with something.
I feel like so often we feel guilty for not working, or not writing, or not exercising, or not seeing friends or family, or whatever obligations you may have, that we forget that it's actually okay to take a time out for yourself and just relax.
I've seen a lot of bloggers recommend different techniques for a pamper day, and I know some people even try to make every Sunday into a sort of pamper day. I think this is great because Sunday can sometimes be a bit of a bummer of a day. You've got the work week to look forward to and the magic of the weekend is starting to wear off. It's nice to extend it by treating yourself to a little something on Sunday, or Sunday evening if you don't have the time.
- Drink tea. Or if you're not a tea drinker, drink some coffee. Or an ice cold glass of water. Drink your beverage of choice and just sit. No phone, no book, just sit. Sit outside if you can, but if weather isn't great, try to pick a sunny spot in your house. Feeling the warmth and just thinking your thoughts can be enough of a break on its own.
- Read a book. Being the avid reader I am, no relaxation time is complete without a book. I know some people aren't readers, so pick some reruns to watch and laugh at. My favorite go-to is The Office.
- Do a face mask. I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, skin care is important. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, I know Ulta and Target sell face masks for 4 or 5 dollars. If you want to consolidate time, wear your face mask while reading your book or watching your show. Just do something to treat your body to a little love!
I feel like these are my top go tos for a lazy day; although I will admit I also try to get outside if I have a day where I'm not doing anything. For instance, today I took a bike ride and ended up going to a community garden and just riding around town. If biking isn't your thing, do some yoga, meditate, or go for a run. There's really not set rules for a lazy day!