Balancing my time.

Monday, August 03, 2015

I feel like one of the big struggles for someone who starts their first 40 hour a week, full time job, is the management of time. It's hard. It's really, really hard, and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed with the fact that suddenly your job is taking up a huge amount of your time.

I've held other jobs, but they were always part-time, and I still found time to spend with family or friends, but 40 hours a week is more draining.

My summer has been amazing, and I've done a lot of relaxing, fun things, despite starting a new job. I've been able to take trips with my family, do fun things with my boyfriend and get to see my friends a few times.

But, I still want a little more balance.

Now that I've been at my work for a few months, I've decided to set up a few guidelines. I got to spend some time with friends last night, ones that I haven't been able to see too much this summer, because we've all been so busy.

I've been so nostalgic for that 'summertime' feeling, and I finally got it last night while swimming in my friend's pool and watching a summer thunderstorm roll in. It's so nice to be with the people who know me best, and I definitely needed it.

I want to try to spend at least one night a week with friends, but it can be hard! However, I think it will be worth it, because I always feel so refreshed after hanging out with friends. I already set aside time for my boyfriend and my family, but I feel like I've been neglecting my friends. I want to try to find a balance of all the people I love most, while obviously still working.

I've also started to take a night/day where I just go home and relax. I may play a game on my computer, or catch up Netflix, but I need that day where I don't have a giant to-do list and I can just relax.

One of the hard parts of my job is that I attend meetings in the evenings sometimes, so it takes away some time in my nights for other things. While I might have a morning off because of this, I usually use that time to run errands or just relax by myself.

Are there any other recent graduates out there who are struggling with this? Or 'old' graduates that may have a few tips for me? What do you think of my 'set aside a night for friends' rule?

Also, I'm working on a favorites post for July, but in the meantime, you should look at my friend Nicole's favorites, because she's pretty amazing.

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