February Beginnings.
Tuesday, February 07, 2017I can't believe it's already February! I'm still not over the fact that it's a new year, and now we are already in the second month! I don't have much going on in February, but my family does have a lot of birthdays this month! Other than that, just trying to make it to warmer, sunnier weather!
Like I said, not too much. One of my goals for the month is try to go to a museum (even though I've said that the past few months...). Other than that, I recently started a new job and am settling in there, and enjoying it! Two of my nieces and one of my nephews has a birthday this month, so I also have to get out and buy some birthday presents!
I have gotten back into watching Scandal. I'm watching the latest season on Netflix, and am flying through it. I started watching the show on Netflix a few years ago, and immediately was hooked. Sometimes I think the show can be really annoying, but the plot and characters are way to engrossing for me to stop watching completely. I would also recommend the show to anyone who works in communications, because Olivia (the main character) pretty much works in public relations and it's so fun to see her job.
I have an enormous stack of books to read this month. Hopefully I can get through them before they go back to the library. I still have three Owlcrate books to read (and I'm not going to renew the box until I get through all of them), as well as a few borrowed books from friends.
I'm probably most looking forward to reading the Truthwitch series by Susan Dennard. It's a fantasy series about witches who have all sorts of powers from seeing the truth to controlling the elements. The second book just came out, and I'm really liking the first book.
Also on the reading list (hopefully this month and not in March) is Jodi Picoult's book, Small Great Things. I'm borrowing it from Nicole, and I've heard positive things about it.
I'm thinking I might write a TBR post for February since I have so many more books to talk about!
Looking forward to:
Getting my Blessbox this month! I got a January Blessbox, which is a new subscription box by a popular blogger. The one this month was okay, but I'm getting another one, since the theme for February was all about self-love and self-care and I can't resist that.
I'm also looking forward to longer days and warmer weather! I'm definitely more of a spring/summer kind of girl, and so now that the days are finally getting longer, it's making me so much happier.
Last, I've also started doing Yoga With Adriene (just search her on Youtube). She has hundreds of yoga videos on her channel, and it's been absolutely perfect for me. I'm currently doing her Yoga Revolution challenge, and it's reminded me how much I love yoga and how good it is for me!
Anyway, that's all from me! Tell me about your guys' months and what you are up to!