March Beginnings.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

I love spring time. There's something about it that just makes me happy, and it just seems like the world is a brighter (literally) and happier place once winter ends. I don't have a lot of plans this month, but I would like to spend some time outside once it gets nicer.

I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to take some sort of quick vacation this month. My boyfriend has his spring break at the end of the month, so I'm hoping we can go somewhere! It would most likely be a quick trip to the next state over, but still would be fun!
I honestly can't think of anything else I have planned for March, although I'm sure that will change as the month goes by. I feel like March is sort of a transition month before the business of spring/summer really kicks in, so I'm okay with just taking it easy.

Since I've been reading more, I haven't been watching as much TV. I feel like that's always the case. I either watch more TV and don't read, or read more and watch less TV.
Anyway, one show I have been keeping up with is MTV's Are You The One. Nicole got me into it, and even though it's pretty trashy, it makes us laugh. If you like any sort of reality show, you'll probably like this one. It's also really weird to me how most of the people in the show are actually younger than me now...but it's still amusing to watch.

I read lots of books in February, which made me really happy! Owlcrate, a book subscription box that I get, did a daily readathon for part of this month and I knocked out a ton of books. A readathon is usually hosted on Twitter or Facebook, and people read for "sprints" of a certain amount of time and you can interact with other readers and it's just really helpful. I had three past Owlcrate books that I hadn't read (one that was from September!) and I finally got around to reading all of them! My TBR stack is much more manageable now. I don't think I have any planned reads for March, but I'm just looking forward to crossing off more books on my TBR list.
A February book post that will talk about all the books I read last month will most likely be coming soon. :)

Looking forward to: 
FabFitFun comes this month, which is always exciting. I really like this subscription box, and even though it's a little pricier than other boxes, it's only quarterly, so it's not too bad. The products are always full-sized, and I just feel like I always get my money's worth.
I just started a new job, so I'm looking forward to settling in at my new position. I'm really loving it so far, so I hope my first full month there will go well. :)

What do you guys like best about March, and what are you up to this month?

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