Fourth of July.
Monday, July 06, 2015I love all holidays, but the Fourth is definitely up there as one of my favorites. There's just something about taking a day off in the middle of summer, relaxing on the lake, and watching some fireworks that really appeals to me.
And while there is a deeper meaning to the Fourth that I also respect, I also just really like sparklers. But really, freedom is something that I think many of us take for granted. Especially as a woman, I try to remind myself that many women in other countries are not as fortunate as I; and a lot of that has to do with where I was born.
I hope you took a moment on the Fourth to reflect on that, and I also hoped you enjoyed some burgers and hot dogs. ;)
For my family, we always celebrate the Fourth up at our lake house, and it was so nice to get a weekend off work and relax under the sun. I'll include some pictures here, but I think one of my favorite moments was when my brother in-law decided to walk around wearing this rubber horse head he bought off Amazon.
There were people pointing and laughing at him from the other boats, and one girl was even yelling "Horse man, horse man!" while trying to take a picture. It just was absolutely hilarious, and everyone on the lake seemed to be in a good mood.
That's what holidays are about to me. Making memories. And laughing. And that definitely happened this year.