Organizing and decluttering!

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

I'm a big fan of getting rid of stuff I don't use/like/need anymore and organizing. I've always been a neat person, and so mess just bothers me. Like right now, I'm thinking about my two desk drawers and how I accidentally untangled a phone charger cord this morning, but I was late for work so I just ran out the door without putting it back in its proper place. It's been in the back of my mind all day now...

Anyway, with all that said, I've been scouring organization and lifestyle blogs for the past two days, and I've discovered lots of '31 days series.' Since moving out is on the horizon eventually, getting rid of stuff and minimizing what I have really appeals to me. So I decided to start with a 31 days of decluttering post (found here).

I will probably do a couple posts on this topic, but since some of the days don't apply to me (for example, I don't have a pantry of my own to declutter). I did do the first day yesterday, and went through my sock drawer.

I texted my boyfriend right after I finished because I was absolutely amazed at how much I got rid of and wanted to tell someone (I told him to go through his socks too, but he didn't seem as excited as I was...). I wish I would have gotten some pictures (I will next time!) but it was late and I was too tired to do much else except sort through socks!

I try to get rid of clothes and such as I wear it and find it stained or ripped or ill-fitting, but I definitely let my socks fall through the cracks!

The post was definitely a nice reminder in the back of my head, because it reminded me that there's no reason to keep socks full of holes or socks that are dirty. My sock drawer was pretty full, but after getting rid of so much, I actually shifted some other things into that drawer since there was room. Even talking about this makes me happy and want to organize more! Is anyone else this excited about organizing? Let me know, and I'll keep you all updated on my 31 days of decluttering.

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