I Hate New Year's Resolutions

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I hate New Year's Resolutions. There, I said it. I think they're dumb, and I don't make them for myself. Now, that's not to say that I think that your specific resolution is dumb, there just has to be a specific process around it.

Most people say, okay I want to lose weight. And that's awesome. So they buy a gym membership and start going in January. And maybe they keep if up for the month, but slowly the motivation fades away, and by March, you're probably in the exact same spot you were the year before.

I am a person who makes a lot of goals for myself. Weekly goals, daily goals, monthly goals. And I know everyone isn't like that, but if you want to make a resolution for the whole year, you have to make goals.

If you walk in the gym January 1st, and you say all I want to do is lose weight. And day in and day out you just hop on the treadmill or elliptical, I promise you you will get bored quickly.

I'm all for goals, but don't let your resolution consume you and make you feel guilty. If you do want to lose weight, start off slow, and don't forget to change things up. Maybe in January you can say, I don't want to eat fast food more than once a week. A slow change will prepare your body for the year to come, and you still get that sense of satisfaction for keeping up your resolution.

If you start off 2017 by saying that you want to say yes more, make monthly goals for yourself! Casting a blind 'yes' resolution over your whole life sounds awful! You still need to take care of yourself, you can't go around saying yes to every outing or experience. You'd be exhausted, and most likely broke.

So on a personal note, I'll share some of my monthly goals with you to show that I'm not just all talk. For January, I really want to try a new fitness class. I'm a person that likes structure with my fitness. It's hard for me to just go to the gym and design a workout schedule for myself. I like classes, and my body feels better when it knows exactly what it will have to do.

This month, I also made it a goal to see my friends at least once. Time goes by fast, and I don't want to end the month without having hung out with them!

On a creative note, I want to blog at least four times this month, and start the year out on a strong note.

So I may not have a huge resolution to focus on, but I think it's healthier to focus on smaller goals. I still have an overall goal of keeping my body and mind healthy by working out and seeing friends, and also expanding on my creative goals by writing!

Of course, I'm not saying my way is the best way, but try it out and let me know!

P.S. I know this was more of a ramble-style post, but I hope you enjoyed it just the same.

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