On Production Days.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Well, let's kick off this thing with talking about one of the most stressful parts of a journalist's week and/or life: PRODUCTION DAY!!!

My first experience with production was with my college newspaper. I was on the online side of the newspaper, so I actually didn't have to do much to do with production nights until my senior year. I'm actually kind of sad about that, because a lot of bonding happens on production nights!

Since I wasn't responsible for a lot on those nights, I did a lot of observing. One of my best friends was the layout designer for the paper, and never have I seen a person work as hard as she did (or be as stressed as she was)!

If you're not a journalist or you've never participated in a paper, you may not realize how much work goes into putting a paper together. I certainly didn't.

I wanted to share a quick video that I think pretty well encapsulates layout nights. This was actually our last layout night, so my friends and I were goofing around and taking snapchats and lots of videos. We captured this gem.

So, with starting my new job, I had just the bare bones in experience of production days or nights. Now, the company I work for puts out several papers a week. You could say that Monday and Tuesdays are a bit crazy, but there's definitely this groove that you get into. I'll call it the 'journalist groove', because time seems to fly by and my fingers are whizzing over the keyboard, and I just feel pretty good.

Of course, it's not always like that. It can get hectic. Reporters might not meet deadline, so you might be hassling them, quickly editing their work, and shoving it into the layout of the paper.

Like I said, it's definitely a stressful part of journalism, but also very rewarding. You get to see this finished product at the end, maybe full of your own reporting, and feel proud!

I'd really like to know more about other newspapers production schedules, or how other reporters feel during those days; so definitely comment with a story for me!

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